Slide 1

Slide notes: We will now look at how we close a Maintenance Event that is complete.




Slide 2

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Slide 4

Slide notes: The Charges for Resources should be complete. If we try to close the Event while some Resources that are listed have not yet been charged, then the system will refuse and insist that those Items be charged first, or removed.




Slide 5

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Slide 6

Slide notes: When we are satisfied that all Resources have been charged, we may choose 'Close Event'.




Slide 7

Slide notes: A Confirmation Option pops up.




Slide 8

Slide notes: And when we close the Event, it disappears from the Active Dashboard.




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Slide 12

Slide notes: If we should query the Master Maintenance Item now, we will see that the Event has become a Prior Event.




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Slide 16

Slide notes: Notice the appearance of the Event at the Prior Events group.




Slide 17

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