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In this session we are going to look at how we can see the Policy Revenue from the Policy Master.

In this example we are currently looking at an Insurance Customer Account and this particular Customer has 3 Policies.

So let us go to the 1st Policy.


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On the Policy we choose the Revenue Function.


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The Revenue is not the same thing as Raised Premiums.

On the Premium Function we can see all Premiums that have been paid.

But here we are looking at the Revenue. This is only about collected Premium and of course we have indication of the Total Claims paid on this Policy.

Then in terms of the Revenue, we have a total line and then we have the detail of the various Premiums that have been collected with the portions for the Insurer and the Commission.


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Then we look at the next Policy for this particular Account.


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On this particular Policy there are no Claims that have been Paid and only one Premium has been collected so far.


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