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Slide notes: The mini table in the centre of the Journal Menu is the launch pad for Journals to perform, and usually we have the Journal Options here that we wish to work with.




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Slide notes: There are multiple ways of loading Journal Options, and when we have Journal Options listed on the launch pad, then the system will remember the last Options that we have had here. So if we leave the Journal menu then the same Options will be automatically present next time we return to the Journal menu.




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Slide notes: And we see that we have the same Options now as when we left the Journal Menu.




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Slide notes: A Journal Option is opened when we dbl-click on an Option in the mini table of currently listed Journal Options.




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Slide notes: This is how we open a Journal to perform.




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Slide notes: Among the multiple methods available of loading the Journal Options from which we can select Journals to perform, we have the MY Options. These Options will load the Journal Options for the selected category, but will only load Journal Options that I as User have access to.




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Slide notes: So when I load a Journal list from one of these Options, then any Journal Option I choose to perform will be allowed.




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