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After registering an Employee for the Payroll, we
will use the maintenance option to configure the settings for the Employee
further. We can also use the option from time to time to make changes, or to
add secondary earnings and deductions.
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The Employee must be flagged for a Pay Group.
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Since the Employee is new on the Payroll, the
status is not yet showing as active. We dbl-click to configure this Employee
Payroll entry.
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We only need to state the 1st Main Run for the
Employee if it is not the next run.
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The Employee must have a valid status, and this is
an Employee Status type already defined for the Payroll.
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We must select a Natura option for the Employee,
and if it is not used, we can just select the '*' option.
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There has to be a Basic Pay rate, although for
"pay as you work" Employee types, we can state zero.
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The Fixed Premi Day rate is also mandatory, but
once again if it is not used we can state zero.
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If the Employee has not been included in a Pay run
so far, then there will be no history at the 'Pay History' section yet.
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The Employee already has Primary Earnings and
Deductions based on his or her Employee Status. However, it is optional to
include some Secondary Earnings and Deductions, but only when necessary.
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In our example, we will add a once off Medical
Allowance. For a regular Earning or Deduction, we will state the Main Run as
zero, but for a once off we will state the specific Run Number and the Earning
will then apply only for that Run.
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Quantity is not applicable.
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There are also some Secondary Deduction options
available, but we will not include any at this time.
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