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After successful completion of a Pay Run, we may
want to print the Payslips. We find this option at Payrun Reports.
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We may select any completed Run on this Payroll,
but the most recent is always at the top of the list.
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We can print or re-print a single payslip for a
selected Employee.
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Or we can print FROM and TO Employee Number.
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But usually we will print all Payslips for the Pay
Run. We note that we have a choice for the sorting of the Payslips, i.e. the
printing sequence.
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And we can choose whether to print 1, 2 or 3
Payslips per print page.
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It may well look like the report has all the
Payslips on one page when we view it, but when we print, the Report
automatically knows how many Payslips to print per page, according to our
previous selection.
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