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Slide notes: In this tutorial, we consider the Language Word and Phrase translations, and how to perform them.




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Slide notes: From the Systems Administration Menu, we select Language Controls, and then we select Word and Phrase Translations.




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Slide 5

Slide notes: This option is only used when we have Languages other than English available in our system, and of course, in this case, we may have some Users who have selected an alternate Language as their 1st choice. The Word and Phrase translation items are then used by the system to automatically translate Words and Phrases as encountered on Screens and other system objects, in order to provide the User with his or her comfortable Language whenever possible.




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Slide notes: We select the alternate Language.




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Slide notes: And we enter the English word or phrase.




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Slide notes: Followed by the alternate equivalent.




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Slide notes: Once we update, this entry becomes part of the vocabulary, and if we should enter the same Word or Phrase again, we will find that the meaning is already present. If a correction is necessary, then of course it can be performed and updated again.





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