Slide 1

Slide notes: In this tutorial we will see how we can upgrade a single Business Datamart. This can be done when a normal upgrade did not complete successfully, and only 1 or 2 of a long list remains as not upgraded. In that case, it is easier to upgrade the 1 or 2 Datamarts individually, rather than repeat the entire upgrade process for the system. Another use for the single upgrade option is when we introduce a new Datamart, and its version is not the same as the others.




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Slide 4

Slide notes: In this example, we can see that we are currently in the IES Business Datamart.




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Slide 6

Slide notes: When we choose Upgrades, then the system prompts whether we want to do a Satellite Upgrade or a Business Upgrade. A Satellite upgrade means that the Datamart should be upgraded in sync with the IES Kernel version, whereas a Business Upgrade means that the Business version of the Datamart should be upgraded.




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Slide 8

Slide notes: A satellite upgrade is always done on the basis of the INFOLAB Datamart version, which is the heart and kernel of the system. We can see this listed here as the Source Datamart.




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Slide 14

Slide notes: A Business Upgrade is always based on the source that is called BUSINESSUPGRADE, and this can only be performed when there is a BUSINESSUPGRADE Datamart currently installed, as is usual during a full upgrade of the system.




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Slide 18

Slide notes: If we want to check the current versions of a Datamart, we can do it by choosing Functions at the top menu of any screen, and then we choose Desktop Resources.




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Slide notes: From the next menu, we choose Version Queries.




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Slide notes: And this option will show the versions for the complete system, including the current Datamart.




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